The consumer requests the shipping and then, later on, responds to a request from the shipper to process the completed schedule. 消费者请求运送,过一段时间之后,响应来自运送者的请求来处理完全的时间表。
It also requires the ScheduleProcessing interface to request that the consumer process the completed schedule. 它还需要ScheduleProcessing接口,以请求客户处理完整的日程安排。
A statistics profile is generated automatically for use by the automatic statistics collection process to schedule RUNSTATS. 统计信息配置文件是自动生成的,自动统计信息收集过程将用它来调度RUNSTATS。
Answering these questions allows you to populate both sections Process Schedule, and Points of contact for future correspondence. 回答以上的问题,就可以完成以下部分过程时间表,及未来通信的联系点。
Production process modeling and schedule simulation for the tobacco strips product line 卷烟厂制丝线生产过程建模与计划仿真
In this paper, a new kind of process schedule based on VR for enterprise automation& Virtual Workshop is presented. The basis of Virtual Workshop, a 3D virtual environment, is constructed by the method of Geometry-based VE. 初步研究了一种基于虚拟现实技术的新型企业自动化流程界面,并运用几何式虚拟环境构建法建立可交互的三维企业流程图模型&VirtualWorkshop。
In recent years, flow network planning technique is used in China while priority network is used in some other countries, and both the techniques make the expression of process schedule in flow construction management more rational. 近年来,我国出现了流水网络技术,国际上出现了优先网络技术,均是对流水施工进度表达的新的尝试。
Achieve the dynamic picking-up the resource conflict process and schedule them based on the project's priority. 实现了资源冲突过程的动态提取,并采用基于优先级的调度策略实现了任务的调度。
It analyses the development process of schedule management system in shop with web technology, describes the functions constitute and system characteristic. 对基于Web的车间计划调度系统的开发技术进行了研究,分析了系统的功能组成及其开发特点。
In this paper, we propose a programmed method to draw an optimal AOA ( activity on arrow) network diagram according to the schedule of ordinary precedence activities and give an example to illustrate the application of this method. Multithreading Process and Schedule 提出了一种根据普通紧前工序表绘制最优箭线式网络图的程序化方法,并例举了一个应用该方法绘制最优箭线式网络图的实例
Linux 2.6 kernel supports O ( 1) process schedule algorithm and preemptive kernel, which offers better real time performance than 2.4 series kernel. 2.6内核的Linux支持O(1)级进程调度算法,支持可抢占内核,相比于2.4内核具有更好的实时性能。
Preliminary Research on Virtual Reality in Process Schedule for Enterprise Automation 虚拟现实技术在企业自动化流程界面中的初步研究
This paper presents the implementation of DS-linux on DSP CPU after comprehensive analyzing Linux kernel architecture and the characteristic of DSP CPU, designs and implements memory management, process schedule and interrupt. 在分析Linux内核和DSPCPU体系结构的基础上,提出了在DSPCPU体系结构下DS-linux的实现方案。并对DSPCPU体系结构下的内存管理、进程调度和中断实施过程进行了设计与实现。
With respect to the scheduling strategy, we will discuss the process schedule scheme used by Linux 2.4.18, as well as two classical algorithms for real-time scheduling. 在调度机制方面,分析了Linux2.4.18的进程调度部分,讨论了两种经典实时调度算法。
For the expression of process schedule in flow construction management, the schedule is inflexible when bar chart is used, and complicated when CPM used. 流水施工的进度计划采用横道图表达,不尽科学、合理,采用普通网络图表达,比较繁杂。
In the facet process schedule, the task scheduler that can be programmable by the user is contrived to schedule task. 在进程调度方面,设计了用户可编程的任务调度器实现了任务调度;
Logistics, especially production logistics, of the enterprise is analyzed and optimized from these respects as following: 1. Production process and schedule are analyzed from logistic point and many shortages and the innovative countermeasures are put up with. 文章分别从如下几方面对该公司物流,主要是生产物流进行了分析、优化:1.从物流的角度分析了该公司生产流程、调度上存在的不足,提出相应的改进策略。
The process schedule to improve non-uniform shell wall thickness on plug mill is investigated. 研究了在自动轧管机上减小荒管壁厚不均的工艺方案。
Simulation of construction process 、 schedule analysis and dynamic visualization were solved primarily in this paper. 初步解决了堆石坝施工过程仿真、进度分析及图形动态可视化等问题。
A new sizing process schedule was applied to modify the sizing process and width reduction accuracy was improved obviously, the cutting loss at strip head and tail end was decreased also. 提出了新的减宽压下规程,对减宽技术进行了改进,减宽精度明显提高,带钢头尾部的切损减少。
Meanwhile, we study Earn Value Management and Statistic Process Control, which can analyze measurement data of key process performance ( schedule and cost). 同时,研究了如何使用挣值法和统计控制方法实现了对关键过程性能(进度和成本)的度量数据的分析。
Subsequently, we divide the system into three major parts: General modular of ATC system, it includes Real-time process schedule modular, time service management modular, net-work monitor modular, message control modular, and mistake tolerance modular. 随后,按中间件特性,把系统划分为三个主要的模块,分别为空管通用中间件,它包括时间服务、实时任务调度服务、数据一致性服务、监控服务、消息管理服务、系统容错服务等;
The database file format was used for loading and saving data of database, while the database process schedule was used for solving the questions of parallel data accessing. 其中数据库文件格式用于数据库数据加载和存盘,数据库进程调度用于解决数据库的并行访问问题。
Then it also discusses the general process of schedule control, which including three steps, action preparing, process monitoring and controlling, project results evaluation. 然后讨论了项目进度控制一般过程,包括准备行动程序、过程监测与控制以及最后项目评估三个阶段并对其进行分析。
Research for Process Schedule Fundamental and Improved Algorithm of Linux Kernel Linux内核的进程调度原理及改进算法研究
In the process of implementing process schedule, the whole procedure monitoring, information collection, dynamic project management and process schedule adjustment and optimization timely are required. 进度计划审核。在进度计划执行过程中,要全过程跟踪,收集信息,对工程实施动态管理,及时对进度计划进行调整和优化。
However, part of construction units in construction process schedule went ahead, due to lack of cost control and monitoring consciousness. And part of the projects went delay because of other reasons. 然而,不少建设单位在施工过程中由于缺乏成本控制和监测意识,一部分项目进度提前了,一部分项目延迟了,这其中存在了工程质量或工期等各种潜在隐患。
Also the function on preparing and generating the process schedule card automatically was developed. 本文还对工艺卡片内容的自动生成进行了研究。
It mainly presents the overall thought and specific design, and describes the research objects, research methods, research process and schedule in detail. 主要给出了研究的总体思路与具体设计,并就研究对象、研究方法、研究过程及时间安排给出了具体描述。